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Re: [News] A Story of "Open Source" Freeloaders

Hadron Quark wrote:

> BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Are you an open source user or joiner?
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | In my previous column, I touched on the issue of what constitutes
>>> | an open-source vendor. Ask Andy Astor that question, and his answer
>>> | is a shrug. "Honestly," he says, "who cares?" To Astor, there are
>>> | really two broad categories of companies with respect to their
>>> | relationship to open-source code. Some are users. Others are joiners.
>>> `----
>> I don't see what his problem is, there are users and they are
>> contributers. We can't expect everyone who comes into the Linux world to
>> be a programmer or writer of HOWTOs. The fact that we are attracting
>> people who simply want
> Really? Usually people in this NG cant wait to say "then fix it yourself".
>> a computer that they can use for a purpose shows that we are doing it
>> right.
> "We"?

Yes, thats right, 'we'.

>> I'm more that sort now, I rarely nip under the bonnet anymore, just
>> occasional scripts or snippets of code, but always to do with what I am
>> working on, after a system is set up to my liking I hardly ever go
>> into
> Always to do with what you are working on? Err, right.

Yes, that is right too. Examples:- a script to size pictures, create
thumbnails, links to be inserted into html pages, all part of the one
script file. 

Database stuff, I'm happier in commandline mysql, quick and easy as such
things ought to be.

Loads of things, some permanent scripts or code, others on-the-fly probably
needed just the once. Takes minutes to write but can save you from what
might otherwise have been a laborious task.

>> root. Of cause I have to do more of that at work, but I mean in my own
>> personal use of computers.
>> That side used to be the side I enjoyed the most, but now I would rather
>> just use the computer. Let others with fresh minds take us to the next
>> levels, young programmers tend to come in with a mix of good and bad
>> ideas, as we used to do, but out of those some turn into brillient
>> ideas. It's
> Oh my god. Cue the "Hovis Music". When I were a lad down t'mines in
> Yorkshire .....

Sorry, you in MS world don't actually like young people coming in with
inovative ideas do you. Well they can find a home here in Linux world, we
are happy to move on from the mundane static world that MS would have us
believe is the only way it can be.

>> So all you up and coming computer techs, what ever your field in
>> computers, let your hair down, take a sip of sugar free coke or what ever
>> it is students drink these days, and put your ideas into motion.
> Yeah, make another distro. Dilute the market some more.

Ah, at last after many weeks you make one valid point. The make a distro
brigade instead of the add to the current systems brigade. We might find
common ground here, but I don't want to share a piece of ground with you.

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