____/ ball.cock.the.plumber@xxxxxxxxx on Thursday 08 November 2007 20:44 :
> On Nov 8, 3:10 pm, "amicus_curious" <A...@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> <jolt.n.pi...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>> news:1194547359.104104.144290@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> > This is NOT an attack on Roy Schestowitz in any shape form or fashion
>> > as I believe Roy is as entitled to his opinion as much as anyone else.
>> > Quite unlike Roy himself who believes people that disagree with him
>> > should be sileneced.
>> > Really odd considering he fancies himself an open source freedom
>> > fighter.
>> > That's known as a hypocrite BTW.
>> Just block his posts and those from the Kent guy. Then you only see topics
>> that at least one other poster has seen fit to comment upon and you can see
>> what was worth commenting by opening up thread tops started by the "regular"
>> poster or if there are only comments by chrisv, Kohlmann, 7, Rick, etc, you
>> can safely ignore the whole thing. You never see the inflammatory headlines
>> that way, so you only have to check once in a while to catch all the real
>> buzz.
> Can't do it on Google though and many people do not have nntp access
> at work.
> Me for example.
>> For example for today, starting at 12:56AM there are only 5 new topics
>> showing in my COLA tree and only one by Shestowitz. Since he puts out so
>> many items, he is somewhat useful in that almost everything under the sun
>> will be there for some Linux fan to add an "Amen!" to and so show that there
>> is some ardor to the issue.
> He was gone for a couple of days and the group was 100 percent better.
> All he does is spam and the only people responding to his messages are
> the atta boys Kent, Poster, 7, Homer, Humper and that other fool
> KkKohlmann.
> Schestowitz is to Linux what Jerry Falwell is to Religion.
> IOW he turns off more people than he tunes in.
Hey, Gary Stewart. Is "flatfish" and "flatfish+++" on too many people's
killfiles already?
Your nyms are getting weirder and weirder by the day. One shrink is not enough
to treat the few braincells you have left.