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Re: [News] Problems Ahead for iPhone, Its 'Pal' AT&T Keeps Censoring the Web

Peter Köhlmann <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> Mark Kent wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>> Apple faces European Iphone legal battle
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>| Apple here in Europe is anticipating a wave of hassle when it finally
>>>| gets around to putting out the Iphone here, rumoured to be ready to go
>>>| in October.
>>> `----
>>> http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=41644
>> Is it still 2.5G, or are they planning a 3G version?  If it's still only
>> 2.5G, I can't really see why anyone would want one.
> Well, lots of cell phones are not 3G. But anyone claiming that the iphone
> is "superior" has serious mental problems. At best, it is (a little)
> different.

I don't think that any smartphones on sale in the EU are not quad-band
and 3G capable.  I've had Quad-band 3G smartphones for several years,
they're hardly new.  The iPhone is the personification of the last
generation but one of phones in this respect.

> And for anyone wanting/needing 3G it is simply a "really bad choice(tm)".

You'll never get much data throughput if you don't get 3G.  EDGE is
okay, but not great, 2G is poor indeed.

> Apart from its rather bad sound quality, its problems with the screen and
> its ridiculous price tag
>< snip >

It doesn't really seem to have a great deal going for it, to me.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
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