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Re: [News] [Rival] The Nicholas Negroponte Smear Campaign and Microsoft/Intel AstroTurfers

____/ 7 on Monday 14 January 2008 19:51 : \____

> Micoshaft Corporation Asstroturfer Hadron wrote on behalf of Micoshaft
> Corporation:
>> Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>> On Mon, 14 Jan 2008 04:24:58 -0500, Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 14 Jan 2008 09:09:37 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>> One Laptop Per Child will succeed even if it "fails"
>>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>>>| Some of the anti-OLPC notes that have appeared since Intel was kicked
>>>>>| out of the project have been well-reasoned (read the Economist's
>>>>>| near-obituary and Nikolaj Nyholm on Radar) -- but much of the
>>>>>| anti-OLPC opining has deteriorated to personal attack on OLPC head
>>>>>| Nicholas Negroponte. At least one of those sources of attack has
>>>>>| turned out to be run by an Intel employee. There are plenty of forces
>>>>>| that want OLPC to fail commercially.
>>>>> `----
>>>>> http://radar.oreilly.com/archives/2008/01/dont_bury_one_l.html
>>>>> Meanwhile, Microsoft seems to be using Fool (MSN Network) not only to
>>>>> praise itself, but also to attack Google. New exampes:
>>>>> Banned by Google
>>>> The project was stillborn because Negroponte didn't figure into the
>>>> equation that people like to make money.
>>>> It's all about money and until you Linux fools figure that out you will
>>>> fail time and time again.
>>> You are the fool. Nothing in Linux precludes you from making money - it's
>>> *how* you make it that is different.
>> Naive IMO.
>> The question is, WHO will give you money. Few, if any it seems. I am
>> sure you can get a good solid 60-70K dollar job programming embedded
>> systems in C. But, well, it's not exactly exciting for most new
>> developers. it sounds cool, but it's incredibly boring and at times
>> frustrating.
> All you are proving is that you as a micoshaft asstroturfer does
> not know how to make money with free open source tools
> despite your peers who work in open source making money.
> They are currently selling 1 million+ embedded Linux
> gadgets per day being sold and software houses pushing
> out 1 million Linux desktops per month.

Maybe it's more than that. 4 billion embedded devices were sold 2006 based on a
recent study. More and more devices give up on a generic O/S and move to
something more standard and versatile like Linux. That's according to that
study as well.

Remember: Linux is /NOT/ just a desktop O/S. It's a f* kernel, and it's
extremely popular. It's probably used far more than Windows, overall.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Switch to GNU/Linux. < http://www.getgnulinux.org/ >
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