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Re: [News] Rumours: NVIDIA to Follow AMD's Open Source Footsteps!

Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I may not agree with or believe much of what Roy posts, but that doesn't
> mean I approve of the kind of filth being posted about him by you and all
> you silly little nyms. *You* have lost the argument by posting such tripe.

I don't always agree with the editorial spin Roy puts on some of
his News posts, but I welcome his input in this forum, and I find
many of his posts are great seeds for some fun debates.   Unlike 
Roy, the trolls that descend to the sort of trash talk and personal 
attacks you describe add nothing to the debate; they 'lose' their
argument in my opinion as well.

Attack Roy's arguments if you wish.  Pick apart his editorialized
summaries if you think they are inaccurate.  Heck, complain about
the volume of posts if that really bothers you.  But when you
resort to adolescent primate feces throwing, it is the thrower
and not the target that ends up looking like crap.

IMHO, of course.

Yeah, I drank the Open Source cool-aid... Unlike the other brand, it had
all the ingredients on the label.

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