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Re: [Troll] Jim Allchin, Spinmeister

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> About 3 days ago, Mary Jo Foley revealed that $0.3 billion will be
> spent on some food marketing business that will advertise business (I
> kid you not).

Yes, apparently Vista has been relegated to the status of free "toy
surprise" in boxes of Wheaties.


| 'When it comes to knowledge, "ownership" just doesn't make sense'
|     ~ Cory Doctorow, The Guardian.  http://tinyurl.com/22bgx8

Fedora release 8 (Werewolf) on sky, running kernel
 20:12:44 up 72 days, 17:48,  4 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.00

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