Mark Kent wrote:
Duncan Meyer <duncan@xxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
It's because you're a scumbag and a liar.
Debating skills being your strong point, then?
That is expecting too much from Duncan Meyer AKA 1st Lt Jean
Poole, Abdul Bonnatari, Adam Baum, Barb Dwyer, Capt. James Pike,
Capt. Morgan, Captain Commando, Colonel Ichabod Conk, Cpl. Kronk,
Dr Gang Green, Dr. Disco, Dr. Fafoofnik, Dr. Feelgood, Dr.
GroundAxe, Dr. Hungwell, Dr. Hurt, Dr. Livingston, Dr.
McGillicudy, Dr. Pain, Dr. Seymour Butts, Dr. Shlongwell, Dr.
Shlongwell (aka your Boss), Dr. Smooth, Dr. Zhivago, Geppetto
Olivio, Gordon Glover, Johan Schmidt, Keith Windsor, LENNY,
Lintard Luser, Lt. Stardust, nym-thief imposter of Mindy Cohen,
Mr. Doug Hoel, Mr. X, Ms. Polly Ester, Ofc. Michael Clayton,
rafael (note the nym-thief couldn't even leave poor Rafael
alone), Randy Oaks, Sgt. Wannacker, SgtMajor Gansevoort,
nym-thief imposter of Sinister Midget, Sophie McDowell, Simon
Templar, Sue Romer, Sir Michael Clayton, Troy Kirtland, Vernon
Wormer, Walter Smeddler, Warren Piece, and Zumwalt Humphry.