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Re: [News] Microsoft OOXML: Fail

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> ____/ William Poaster on Wednesday 12 March 2008 12:45 : \____
>> Mark Kent wrote:
>>> Jesper Lund Stocholm <jls2008@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>> William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in
>>>> news:qo7ia5-c6b.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
>>>>> Jesper Lund Stocholm wrote:
>>>>> Oh, you mean like Micro$oft did with their "Get the Facts"
>>>>> campaign...yeah, that was factually correct, wasn't it.
>>>>> And like Micro$oft's ads, that were pulled by the UK Advertising
>>>>> Standards Authority:
>>>>> http://www.cxolinux.com/linux/jsp/article.jsp?article_id=1393&cat_id=12
>>>>> 02 And also by the South African Advertising Standards Authority:
>>>>> http://www.itweb.co.za/sections/business/2003/0303201315.asp?S=Software
>>>>> &A=SFT&O=FPMS
>>>> So you are saying that the information I have provided is false?
>>> You have spun well for your paymasters, however, nobody, anywhere, is
>>> remotely convinced that you are acting for anything other than the
>>> interests of Microsoft in your efforts to corrupt ISO, to push a
>>> standard through on fast-track which is clearly not only widely
>>> unsupported but so immature as to be next to worthless.
>>> We *know* that Microsoft could easily implement ODF it it wanted.
>>> We *know* that Microsoft will "innovate" beyond OOXML anyway.
>>> We *know* that OOXML in its present form is utterly incomplete and
>>> unusable.
>>>>> Good. Now push off.
>>>> Strange ... :o)
>>> Not really, you are here pushing the agenda of Microsoft.  Just like
>>> you've been doing in ISO.
>> Quite.
> # 
> That's why he has been on my filter.

He's been absent for a little while - perhaps he's been pulled off onto
something else.  ISO has an enormous problem, though - it's completely
lost any credibility in terms of open-process.

Interestingly, the WTO and UN suffer also from significant political
manipulation, for example, the WTO is, at the behest of the US gov
on behalf of Monsanto, threatening the EU with anti-competitive action
because it (the EU) quite rightly opposes the use of GM crops.  There was
an article recently which showed that some of the first generation GM
crops are now being attacked by the kinds of pest they were supposed to be
immune to.  Nature always finds a way - GM is a waste of time and effort, 
as well as risking the rapid evolution of "super pests", as has already
been demonstrated.

Interestingly, that little bit of news appears to have been ignored by
most, I think I read it in the FT a few days ago.  The creationists
should be worried, as it's a rather good example of Mr Darwin's theory
in action.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
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