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Re: $75 Single-board Computer Comes with Linux Preinstalled

On Wed, 26 Nov 2008 02:53:44 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> ____/ The Ghost In The Machine on Tuesday 25 November 2008 18:35 : \____
>> On Nov 25, 3:24 am, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> ____/ Mark Kent on Tuesday 25 November 2008 10:42 : \____
>>> > Mark Kent <mark.k...@xxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> [snip for brevity]
>>> > Something's just dawned on me - we're now at the end of the "Windows"
>>> > era.  We can put dates around it, like this:
>>> > Windows 3.1 released 1992 to Windows Vista released 2007
>>> > Microsoft did extremely well to maintain monopoly for so long, 15 years;
>>> > this is an exceptional achievement, and took huge amounts of effort to
>>> > manipulate the legal systems and politicians of the world, ensuring that
>>> > judges were removed from anti-trust cases, and that remedies were
>>> > worthless, and that payback for the occasional "winners" was in the form
>>> > of vouchers, whilst filling the planet with exceptionally effective
>>> > marketing.  A stellar achievement.
>>> > Interestingly, this period is an amazingly close fit to the Linux
>>> > development period, and in particular, almost exactly mirrors the Debian
>>> > development timeline.  Debian was started in 1993 (Linux first release
>>> > in 1991, and the GNU project about 1984 ish).
>>> > Anyway, we have a Windows era, which was from 1992 to 2007
>>> > One wonders what we might consider the Linux era to be...
>>> Microsoft will need to redo their operating system or start from scratch
>>> like Apple. They can't rely on XP forever. GNOME and KDE are miles ahead.
>>> Mac OS too...
>> They're already working on it.  From a theoretical
>> standpoint Midori/Singularity looks interesting; however,
>> the odd requirement that all memory access enforcement be
>> done using the compiler ("managed code"), as opposed to
>> the kernel using page tables, makes me a bit dubious,
>> and of course the details are sorely lacking.
>> http://blogs.zdnet.com/microsoft/?p=1466
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midori_%28operating_system%29
>> I frankly don't know what the actual GUI will look like,
>> though they'll probably just recompile Vista, bake it
>> all together, and call it "new, improved, *and* enhanced".
>> Hopefully by now we've become immune to vaporware, but
>> I do wonder how good this mud pie will smell.
> Forget the Midori rumours. They just release another Vista, renaming it "7".
> It's equally bad.
WRT to the single board computer my mom had a Mercedes with what I was told
was a Windows based 'brain'. She kept getting locked out of her own car,
the car would turn off all by itself, alarm would false trigger, the audio
system stopped working,the car would not start and literally 100 other
different and intermittent problems.The dealer finally replaced the
computer and all was fine.I was told the Windows software was to blame but
I certainly have no proof of this.Whatever it was a Mercedes is not
supposed to behave like that.

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