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Re: [News] Hard to Find Anything That Does Not Run Linux...

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____/ Mark Kent on Wednesday 05 November 2008 08:31 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> ____/ Peter Köhlmann on Wednesday 29 October 2008 22:54 : \____
>>> TomB wrote:
>>>> On 2008-10-29, amicus_curious was urged to write the following:
>>>>> "Terry Porter" <linux-2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>>>> news:iMydnWYuqYHUfprUnZ2dnUVZ_qDinZ2d@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>> On Fri, 24 Oct 2008 01:44:11 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>>>> | Finally, Moore's Law and the general trend toward cheaper and faster
>>>>>>> hardware | means that Linux now fits into even more places than it did
>>>>>>> before. We | normally think of Linux as an operating system for
>>>>>>> servers, or even for | desktop computers. But we can expect Linux to be
>>>>>>> at the heart of a growing | number of appliances, from video-on-demand
>>>>>>> devices to digital video recorders | (e.g., TiVo), to cellphones (e.g.,
>>>>>>> Android and OpenMoko). The Linux-powered | refrigerator, with a
>>>>>>> built-in bar-code scanner that can tell you how long ago | you bought
>>>>>>> milk, isn't far behind.
>>>>>>> `----
>>>>>>> http://ostatic.com/158401-blog/linux-is-truly-everywhere
>>>>>> My TV, a 32" LG HIDEF LCD runs Linux. I had no idea until I read the
>>>>>> users manual and found the GPL listed at the end.
>>>>> 32"?  Well that figures.  Small mind, small screen.
>>>> Such statements typically emerge from a small mind.
>>> No. I tiny one.
>>> Bill Weisgerber tries to tell us that only big is beautiful (without
>>> exception, naturally), and he naturally got it "big"
>>> Well, anyone believing that, I have some slightly used bridges, real
>>> cheap...
>> Those who have nothing /useful/ to say (billwg in this case) spew out
>> garbage.
> The best thing to do is ignore him.  He's never got anything worthwhile
> to say, but enjoys creating a low-level of irritation on a constant
> basis, hoping to provoke responses, ideally from people annoyed with
> him, so that he can accuse them of being unreasonable.  He's obnoxious,
> and not worth responding to.  Just killfile him.

I did that years ago. He nymshifted about a year ago, but the style (arrogance)
soon exposed him.

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Windows: innovative VTP technology (Virus Transfer
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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