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Re: Ripping CDs in KDE - Can it Get ANY Easier?

On 2008-10-29, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
> * Enter CD
> * Pop-up menu shows up asking if the user's desire is to play or open the CD's
> content in a file manager. Open in file manager.
> * Voila! In the background, KDE has fetched the tracks info for the entire
> album (over the Web) and within 1 second the tracks appear as aptly-named
> files.
> *Drag and drop the directory called MP3 (or Ogg) where you want it and bam! All
> done.
> How is this done in Windows?

* Spend too much on a so-called "operating system".

* Buy the CD.

* Try to rip the CD and find out you can't. You may or may not be
  treated by a Big Brother dialog from your "operating system" telling
  you that what you're trying to do is a crime.

* Try some freeware that either doesn't work or does a piss-poor job of
  encoding. Suffer through some lockups and reboots as well. This trial
  will generate some more nannying from the "operating system" you're

* Try some shareware that either doesn't work or does a piss-poor job
  of encoding. Suffer through some lockups and reboots as well. This
  method may generate some more nannying from the "operating system"
  under discussion.

* Spend money on highly-rated "software" that will solve your problem.
  Try using it numerous times with the thousands of little tickboxes,
  each ending with similar degrees of failure. This method could
  possibly generate more nannying from the "operating system" in use.
  However, the instructions that came with this will assure you that
  you can ignore the dialogs because this is perfectly legal, and will
  refer you to the disclaimer that will assure you that they're
  absolved of all responsibility when you "operating system" tattles to
  the illegally-maintained monopoly about what you're doing.

* Spend more money on software that isn't any better or any worse than
  the cost of the highly-rated crap, play with more tickboxes and end
  in failure. See the last step wrt nannying and how you're on your own
  despite all assurances that you have nothing to worry about.

* Got to piratebay and download the songs illegally, complete with the
  RIAA tags they'll use to positively identify the music you get for
  "free" is actually pirated.

See how easily it's done in Windows?

"One world, one web, one program"  -- Microsoft promotional ad
"Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Füehrer"  -- Adolf Hitler

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