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Re: Windows 7 is an accident waiting to happen!

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____/ ml2mst on Friday 20 February 2009 17:29 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> ____/ Terry Porter on Friday 20 February 2009 13:51 : \____
>>> What a joke Windows 7 is turning out to be. This could be the last OS
>>> Microsoft ever dare to make ?
>>> begin{quote}
>>> With the recent news that Microsoft will not release a second beta but will
>>> instead move Windows 7 directly into release candidate stage, several
>>> Windows testers have become a tad bit disgruntled. They claim that due to a
>>> lack of test builds, they cannot properly test Windows 7 to see if the bugs
>>> they submitted have been fixed.
>>> end{quote}
>>> If you need a 'new look' for that old tired, ancient Windows XP, why not
>>> just install the Fake Windows 7 theme on it and :-
>>> 1) save money
>>> 2) save a painful 'upgrade'
>>> 3) call it Windows 7 and get on with life ?
>> Microsoft is bleeding from Vista. With so many vice presidents jumping ship
>> I can only imagine what it's like for furniture in Redmond right now.
>> By the way, in case it matters, Vista7 is almost solely developed in India
>> (Bangalore IIRC, because it's cheaper). It's kind of an XP-Vista hybrid for
>> all I can tell. So it's like 'upgrading' from XP but not as far as PigVista
>> (that's too far as an 'upgrade').
>> Vista7 = {XP} + {Vista coat of paint} - {bloat}.
>> Hey, why not download a good solid Mandriva? :-D
> Don't forget Microsoft's "solution" to the netbook market, called
> Windows 7 "Starter Edition". A crippled rip off, of something which
> presents to be an "Operating System", which is defective by design.
> I'm wondering if people are actually that stupid to swallow this piece
> of crap.
> Everything Microsoft produced after Windows 98SE, IMHO was a failure.
> Not even mentioning their filthy miss-behavior, I sincerely hope, they
> get what they deserve.
> I'm looking forward to Microsoft Deathwatch. And I sincerely hope that
> their filthy evangelists will rot in their own dirt.

MSFT fell very sharply today and it's under fire too.


I'm almost starting to feel mercy for Microsoft, but there's danger in having
mercy for criminal thugs.

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Open Source Reversi: http://othellomaster.com
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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