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Re: Microsoft Cuts 10,000+ Jobs?

Don Zeigler wrote:

> Snit wrote:
>> How about posting about Linux instead of your off-topic rant?
>> http://www.faqs.org/faqs/linux/advocacy/faq-and-primer/
>> [quote]
>> 1.4 The Charter of comp.os.linux.advocacy.  The charter of
>> comp.os.linux.advocacy is:  For discussion of the benefits of
>> Linux compared to other operating systems.
>> [/quote]
> How is posting this dozens of times going to help anything? You really
> ARE a useless, trolling, immature idiot, aren't you?

Please don't insult the real idiots
Nobody deserves to be compared to Snot Michael Glasser
A fool-proof method for sculpting an elephant:
first, get a huge block of marble; then you chip
away everything that doesn't look like an elephant.

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