"Homer" <usenet@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> Verily I say unto thee, that Ezekiel spake thusly:
>>> Absolutely freakin amazing. Here's an issue that appears to
>>> interest you. So instead of using the web and maybe searching for
>>> some relevant data and information on the subject you ask some
>>> uninformed lunatic to tell you what you should think about the
>>> situation. The same nutjob Homer who posted here that people -
>>> 'should be arrested and jailed for what they said.'
> You keep insisting this is about "what they said", but Microsoft was not
> prosecuted for antitrust violations for what they /said/, "Zeke", so
> please refrain from misquoting me, because I never wrote the phrase
> you've quoted above.
Not a misquote at all. I'm simply calling out a hypocrite. Here's *your*
words and exactly what you said. There is NO misquote so quit lying and
pretending there is:
From: Homer
Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2008 03:18:32 +0000
Local: Tues, Nov 4 2008 10:18 pm
Subject: Re: [News] A Look at the Linux-based Challenger to ZFS
It's sick; it's wrong; and it should be illegal. In fact, I would have
Ballmer jailed just for making that statement.
> The guilty parties at Microsoft should be arrested and jailed for what
> they /did/ (there, you can quote /that/ if you like), and what they
> /did/ was break the /law/,
There was no law broken and you even admit so in your post. Note the part
where you write - "and it should be illegal." You know perfectly well that
it is *NOT* illegal and nothing illegal was done. Because your worthless
uninformed opinion thinks that it "should be illegal" does not make it a
crime. And you want people jailed for "making statements" which means that
you are against free speech.
> If I am supposedly a "nutjob" and a "lunatic" for merely condemning the
> /actions/ of these corporate gangsters,
Idiots like you who want to jail people for making "statements" are lunatic
nut jobs.
> I suppose you're going to accuse the police of being "nutjobs" and
> "lunatics" for arresting criminals as well, are you?
Because somebody said something does not make them a criminal. There is no
law being broken here.. just somethng that a lunatic nutjob like you
"thinks" should to be illegal. It is not illegal and *you* are a nutjob for
wanting to have someone "jailed just for making that statement."
> Here, let me remind you again of exactly /what/ Microsoft /did/ (and
> continue to do):
Snip - Who cares what a hypcrite lying nutjob like you thinks.