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Re: [News] Mac OS X Does Not Look Better Than GNU/Linux

In article <slrnh4kp79.8kk.jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
 JEDIDIAH <jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On 2009-06-30, Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > In article <2073880.qzqp1eWA4t@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
> >  Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >> 
> >> They can look the same, but under the hood GNU/Linux is more powerful.
> >
> > How so?
> ...there is a certain point there. OTOH, if you end up turning a Mac into
> little more than yet another Linux then what's the point really of bothering
> with MacOS to begin with? 
>     Inferior system management?

Such as?

>     Inferior driver support?

Do you mean there are specialized devices for which no one has written 
OS X drivers, but have written Linux drivers?  If so, OK.  But if you 
mean the kernel doesn't support drivers as well as the Linux kernel, 
then how so?

>     Inferior support for non-Apple/non-MS data?

What data does Linux support under the hood that OS X doesn't?

>     Jobs of Borg style datafile management?


--Tim Smith

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