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Re: [News] MAFIAA Cracks Down on Music Being Played in Public

On Fri, 19 Jun 2009 15:38:16 -0400, wispygalaxy wrote:

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Recording Industry: Radio Is Piracy, But Not Playing Our Music Is A
>> Federal Offense
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| It appears that the big record labels and their lobbyists aren't content
>>| with just suing and shaking down students across the country -- now they
>>| want to threaten them for taking a political stand as well. Earlier this
>>| week, musicFIRST, the big time lobbying group put together by the RIAA
>>| to push for the highly questionable.
>> `----
>> http://techdirt.com/articles/20090616/1527385253.shtml
> I can't believe this...  Radio stations have every right not to play songs. 
> Why are the labels deciding for them?  If the labels can't get the stations
> to play the tunes, tough luck.  Find another station or lower the royalty
> rates.

Because the entire industry is totally and completely corrupt
and it has been since the days of W.C Handy.
Schestowitz will recognize that name.
One thing he does have going for him is good taste in music.

Read a book called "Hitmen" for some real insight into how the
music biz really operates.

When I first started in this biz I got screwed badly out of some
serious, well for a 12 year old, money.
I learned.

As for the RIAA they are the anti-christ IMHO and while they
claim to go to battle for my rights, all they are really doing
is lining their own pockets, making excuses for the piss poor
state of quality music these days and blaming it all on John Q
Public and his mp3 player.

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