Doctor Smith wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Mar 2009 07:11:04 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>> If you poke around the various venues that discuss OLPC, you find a wide
>> range of postings, from obvious trolling/astroturfing, to legitimate
>> questioning of the project, to stirring anecdotes of success, ... a broad
>> spectrum.
>> Trying to capture all that in a paragraph is not possible.
> What you will find is an inept Linux community trying to give away
> something that the people did not want, a Linux based OLPC.
> Coupled with completely inept Linux community trying to manufacture and
> distribute these things you have a recipe for failure and that is what the
> program has mostly been.
> You can blame whomever you want but the people in charge are mostly to
> blame because they thought Linux would be accepted.
> It wasn't.
"OLPC runs the XO on Fedora. There are millions of XOs in the world running
Fedora. It's up to the Fedora community to make sure that we hold up our
end of that bargain."