Verily I say unto thee, that Stone Mirror spake thusly:
> On Aug 1, 8:49 pm, Homer <use...@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Verily I say unto thee, that Stone Mirror (a.k.a. David "Lefty"
>> Schlesinger) spake thusly:
>>> Jo Shields even made a "Chicken Little" remix of Ubuntu for those
>>> who fear the sky's falling
>> Nice gesture: Give users what they want ... by insulting them.
> Well, Jo's made it completely clear what his opinion of your concerns
> is. Now that he gone and invested the time in giving you folks what
> you _demand that somebody else do for you_, he gets ingratitude.
I don't recall ever making any request of Jo Shields, particularly one
involving Ubuntu, since I am not, nor have I ever been, either an Ubuntu
or Debian user.
And as for my expectation that other's should do things for me, well
again that's just a silly claim, since what I'm /requesting/ is for an
action to /not/ be taken (include Mono by default). If my only goal was
to respin a Mono-free distro, I (and pretty much anyone else who can
read) could do it in less than five minutes with Revisor. My goal is to
convince /others/ to not support Mono, and subsequently not support
Microsoft. That's all.
>> Something tells me "Jo" has lost the spirit of Free Software. I
>> half expect to have to click on an "agree" box for a "Chicken
>> Little EULA".
> I don't think you know the first thing about how the FLOSS community
> works. You'd seem to be in a tenuous position to talk about the
> "spirit of free software".
Check again.
>> Advocacy is not force, Lefty.
> When it reaches into people's personal lives, it is.
That kind of nonsense sounds like the kind of propaganda peddled by the
National Organization for Marriage, who produced an anti-gay marriage
advertisement. They also claim that others' advocating freedom somehow
"reach into their lives":
> And when it takes the other forms it does, it's disruptive.
Well I consider your presence in COLA, and your attacks on Roy and
Stallman, "disruptive" too. So who's "rights" take precedence?
>> I'm within my rights to try to /persuade/ people to agree with me,
>> if I want to, and I'm sure I don't need to join the "Ubuntu
>> Technical Board" just for that.
> You're not within your rights to be off-topic on mailing lists
I've already clearly stated that Mark Fink was rightly censored for his
unabatedly off-topic rant.
> or instigate flame wars
If it's on-topic, then it's simply debate, unless one or more parties
can't control their belligerent reactions, in which case that's hardly
the "instigator's" fault.
> or contact the employers or associates of people with whose personal
> opinions you disagree.
Well again, you deny people the right to report abuse.
>> OTOH, your intimation that merely /dissenting/ against the
>> /default/ inclusion of Mono is representative of some kind of
>> coercive tactic to universally ban its use, might be construed as
>> /another/ type of "force" - an attempt to marginalise me as some
>> kind of dictator, when I clearly have no such powers.
> In fact, I've made it quite clear that I have no disagreement with
> rational dissent, expressed in the appropriate places.
Mark Fink's loony rant notwithstanding, your tendency to "agree" with
the appropriateness of the debate seems highly subjective.
In fact, the sum total of your diatribe seems to be with /him/, so why
don't you reserve your arguments /for him/, since WRT my opinion of Mark
Fink you're mostly preaching to the choir.
>> I don't deliberately exceed the recommended 4-line limit just for
>> the sake of breaching Netiquette.
> I'm bored with it already.
Are you _demanding_ I change my sig?
You're reaching into my life, and taking my sig away from me.
Oh the humanity.
| "The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep's throat, for which
| the sheep thanks the shepherd as his liberator, while the wolf
| denounces him for the same act, as the destroyer of liberty.
| Plainly the sheep and the wolf are not agreed upon a definition of
| the word liberty; and precisely the same difference prevails today
| among human creatures." ~ Abraham Lincoln
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