After takin' a swig o' grog, Tim Smith belched out
this bit o' wisdom:
> In article <h5019l$2u2$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
> "Ezekiel" <zeke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Translation - If it was Google or IBM who developed .NET/Mono then [H]omer
>> and Schestowitz would be drooling over it 24/7. It's not technology... it's
>> the "politics of hate" that form the opinion of these lunatic zealots.
> Well, not IBM. Roy seems to have soured on them. He doesn't like that
> they picked Linus to displace RMS, or something like that. They picked
> Linus because he doesn't have a beard. (I kid you I've said
> before, the IRC logs of Roy's are a comedy goldmine).
So is the inane chatter in just about every office in the country.
At least no moron has yet brought up "birtherism" where I work. Yeesh.
You really scan Roy's IRC logs? Yea gods, I'd rather read Watergate
You are always busy.