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Re: [News] Vista 7 Crippled Edition Runs Only on Overly Crippled Computer

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____/ bbgruff on Friday 21 August 2009 10:16 : \____

> Homer wrote:
>> Verily I say unto thee, that bbgruff spake thusly:
>>> Actually, I welcome the installation of this Starter Edition. I'd
>>> vote to make it mandatory on all new computers :-)
>> It'd certainly have the desired repellent effect.
>> Overall though, I'd rather it was mandatory for OEMs to offer the choice
>> of an /alternative/ to Microsoft's Slopware, rather than continue to
>> support its monopoly.
>> http://slated.org/unbundling_microsoft_windows
> Oh, I quite agree, but I don't think that's going to happen any time soon.
> Look what the installation of Windows Starter Edition on all machines
> achieves though....
> 1. The OEM is supplying something that shows the machine works.
> 2. A single disk image for the OEM, and only one item support-wise.
> 3. Minimal added cost for anyone *not* wanting a Windows machine - they can
> almost think of this as the Test Suite from the OEM!
> 4. Clearer separation of the cost of the OS from the H/W - people see from
> the upgrade prices what they are being charged.
> 5. OEMs actually much more likely to offer non-Windows machines, because the
> profit on the original installation is very small.
>  - and when it comes to netbooks, in my view it is *much* better that they
> come with Starter than the almost-gratis XP :-)

There is a legal case building up in Denmark right now (Kroes may hopefully
take note). It was actually put forth by a BSD proponent.


- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | "This sig seemed like a good idea at the time..."
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