On Fri, 28 Aug 2009 21:48:57 -0400, Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>> Flatfish and his ilk were spewing troll garbage here in 1996 when I
>> first started reading COLA.
> Please *STICK TO THE POINT BEING MADE* which is, this group has turned
> into a *Microsoft Hate Group*.
No, it hasn't. It has, to a degree, turned into a Wintroll hate group,
but then, Wintrolls are just slightly less evolved than pond scum, so
wherever they appear, they're going to either be chlorinated into non-
existence or scraped off on a quasi-regular basis.
> So you are saying that the Wintrolls are responsible for this?
Obviously. If they'd take their anti-Linux bullshit somewhere else, the
anti-troll traffic would drop to zero and the rest of us could go back to
discussing the merits of Linux.
They won't, of course. They can't leave. They need the attention too
much. Yes, it's a sickness, and yes, it's curable, but it's hard to
convince a truly insane person that they are insane, so they're unlikely
to ever seek help.