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Re: [News] London Stock Exchange CIO Possibly Loses Job After Foolishly Choosing Microsoft

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____/ High Plains Thumper on Monday 15 Feb 2010 04:07 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> High Plains Thumper on Saturday:
>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> AFAIK, LSE also had excessive (full) redundancy that could easily
>>>> double the cost.
>>>> London is in Microsoft's pocket, so LSE moving to GNU/Linux must
>>>> be a massive shock to the criminal corporation (with convictions)
>>>> from Redmond.
>>> I think the news woke up a lot of people.  What was billed as a
>>> high performance system didn't deliver.
>> Very few stock exchanges in the world still experiment with Windows.
>> Expect Italy to follow suit.
> I didn't realise Italy used Windows.  Nonetheless, due to security risks
> and desire to maximise the performance of hardware requires going to
> true multitasking and secure OSens.  Only Unix and Linux provide this
> advantage.
> The fact LSE has decided on Linux with the historical backing from Linux
> usage at NYSE sets a definite precedence.
> If it will serve stock exchanges, it will also serve schools (already
> proven by the many deployments), corporate needs, and even the desktop.
> M$ is slowly on its way out.

Most of the executives are /already/ out. The CFO quit a few months ago when Windows
sales were down 40%. Everything was still down in the last quarter, but Microsoft
had cooked the books.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

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