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Re: Code of Conduct complaint about Linus's comments at DC14

On Wednesday 03 September 2014 16:00:56 Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> ]] Ian Jackson
> > However, I think a basic requirement is that CoC complaints are:
> >   - dealt with promptly;
> >   - without fear of favour;
> >   - and that the outcome is communicated to the complainants.
> It's pretty common that the outcome is explicitly not communicated to
> the complainants, since it's actually none of their business.  They
> should receive a «we have received your complaint» message, though.
> [...]
> > Debian should make a public statement that Linus will not be welcome
> > at Debian events in future.
> I disagree that this is a good outcome.
> > Also, Debian owes the FSF an apology.  That apology should be at least
> > as public as the offence.
> I think we as a project managed to project quite clearly during the
> session that we didn't think it was ok to be abrasive and that we
> considered his style problematic (to put it mildly).  I think declaring
> him persona non grata instead of enganging as we did would not be
> helpful.
> Debian used to have a reputation for somewhere you'd only go if you did
> have thick skin and enjoyed flame wars.  We've changed the reality
> around that a fair bit and I believe the reputation is changing too.  I
> find it quite uplifting that we're now engaging other projects where we
> see what we consider substandard behaviour.
> While we did invite him, I don't think that anyone actually thinks that
> Linus is speaking on behalf of Debian and so we should not apologise to
> the FSF for Linus' words, be they true or not.

I do totally agree with Tollef here.

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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