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Re: Code of Conduct complaint about Linus's comments at DC14

On Wed, Sep 03 2014, Sylvestre Ledru wrote:

> However, I am more disturbed by your email than the talk by itself.
> AFAIK, he was invited, he expresses strongly his positions, fine.
> I don't think this deserves any action from Debian and I would be very
> unhappy
> to see this outcome.

        He was inviterd. He was also given the guidelines fro speakers,
 which by his own admission he did not bother reading. Why waste time
 with guidelines and code of conduct statements if we happily stand by
 and say nothing when they are violated?

Fear and loathing, my man, fear and loathing. H.S. Thompson
Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@xxxxxxxxxx> <http://www.debian.org/~srivasta/>  
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