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Re: Code of Conduct complaint about Linus's comments at DC14

On Wed, Sep 03 2014, Gunnar Wolf wrote:

> Manoj Srivastava dijo [Wed, Sep 03, 2014 at 08:37:43AM -0700]:

>>         The point I disagree here is that speakers are not to be heald
>>  to the standards and policies imposed on the speakers. Some animals
>>  ought not to be more equal than others.

> All speakers that actually attend DebConf are to be held to such
> standards and policies. People would have reacted were I to issue
> comparable views in the talk I gave (or in any talk I attended). But
> in-house speakers are different than invited speakers.

        Invited by whom?

> In this case, if somebody is responsible, it's the DebConf talks team.

        Even of they were not the ones to extend the invitation? Should
 they have, instead, rejected the proposed talk being foisted on them?

I used to be disgusted, now I find I'm just amused. Elvis Costello
Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@xxxxxxxxxx> <http://www.debian.org/~srivasta/>  
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