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Re: Graffiti question/annoyance

  • Subject: Re: Graffiti question/annoyance
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@schestowitz.com>
  • Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 07:52:37 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.sys.palmtops.pilot
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / Manchester University
  • References: <3jf1noFp7398U1@individual.net> <1121080333.510555.121190@o13g2000cwo.googlegroups.com> <h435d1tskcdfbkngpeq5fircuuktf347ha@4ax.com> <ol35d15m2rftj6uelbv542tq7udne7au0i@4ax.com> <db0bso$s9b$1@aken.eed.ericsson.se> <db0dpe$1gb$1@godfrey.mcc.ac.uk> <2ft7d1djh7ljf85nheudunnaj7074pd7jf@4ax.com> <db0tbs$5kj$3@godfrey.mcc.ac.uk> <db28tn014r0@news3.newsguy.com>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
J. Clarke wrote:

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> AaronJ wrote:
>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@schestowitz.com> wrote:
>>>>it's rather disappointing that Palm did not allow
>>>>the user an easy _choice_.   [G1 or G2]
>>> Palm had no choice. A judge had ruled that Graffiti 1 infringed on a
>>> patent Xerox held on a handwriting recognition method called Unistrokes.
>> Excellent. So every Palm user has to suffer. Now isn't society treading
>> onwards into a future of innovation and greater ease? I am very glad that
>> the EU software patent bill was binned.
> One wonders why Xerox bothered with the suit--they'd have made a lot more
> money by clobbering Apple over the Mac but they didn't bother then.  I
> suspect that there was some sort of political motivation for going after
> Palm.

These ones maybe?



http://www.xerox.com/go/xrx/template/018v.jsp?view=Micro ...


Roy S. Schestowitz

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