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Re: Windows Live is Already Dying

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> __/ [ Black Dragon ] on Tuesday 25 April 2006 11:23 \__

>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> [Windows Live] (never had a chance to begin with)
>> Roy;
>> Several days ago you were using "[News]" tags on the subject line. That is
>> a great idea! Helps those of us (tinu) who aren't interested in reading
>> news clippings on the Usenet filter it (with slrn, score it) without
>> resorting to filtering everything you post.

> That was the intent; I am glad you are finding this helpful. It is a quick
> and easy way to saturate the threads (detracting from subject lines like
> "Linux burned my house" or "Roy Culley is a flapper") while keeping some
> notion of categorisation. 

I kill file a substantial portion of the noise in this group via subjects,
posters and x-posted groups, and at the same time there are number of people 
here whose posts I always enjoy reading. One of those people happens to be 
you. But I'm nowhere near as interested in reading quotes from web sites or
rss feeds as I am in what *you* have to say. With the tags, I wouldn't be 
kill filing the posts, just scoring them down so they're not intertwined 
with that which I'm mainly interested in. If you use the tags, cool. If
you don't, that's cool too, but it would be helpful.

Black Dragon

Attractive bisexual young woman seeks same for high mellow times.

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