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Re: Google visits going down very fast. Why?

__/ [ Borek ] on Sunday 23 April 2006 10:11 \__

> On Sun, 23 Apr 2006 05:18:12 +0200, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Identify the exact date when traffic dropped (use the logs) and try to
>> remember what we done or changed that day.
> Earlier. Google is not so fast in picking changes these days.
> Best,
> Borek

True, but at least it gives an approximation. I used to be looking at daily
number of referrals to get a zeitgeist and identify /what/ happened /when/.
I forgot to point out that the OP /could/ have been banned if the numbers in
the second lump of dates corresponded to early days in the latter month. As
for penalties, changes would be slow to propagate through the datacentres,
but the penalities can be imposed immediately. I have had large drops in the
past and seen this happening. This was either the result of downtime or

Best wishes,


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