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Re: J-F-C Roy, Get a life

On 2006-07-17, B Gruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx> posted something concerning:
> On Monday 17 July 2006 17:14 flatfish+++ wrote:
>> On Mon, 17 Jul 2006 10:48:14 -0500, Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
>>> On Mon, 17 Jul 2006 16:27:32 +0100, B Gruff wrote:
>>>> Well, anybody who doesn't like Roy's posts can surely filter on [News],
>>>> with which Roy labels such postings of his?
>>>> - if they can and do, there's no complaint?
>>> Maybe you should check his actual headings.  He keeps changing the
>>> spelling, and includes different brackets, apparently in an attempt to
>>> avoid filters.
>>> For example, sometimes he says [Mews] sometimes {News], etc..
>> That's exactly what he is doing.
>> He blames it on misspellings but it's odd that he doesn't seem to misspell
>> much of anything in the body of his messages.
>> Of course that will change when he reads this.
> You guys are quite right - I'd not noticed it.
> Well-spotted.  On my count, it has happened 20 times since 26 April this
> year.
> Now, how many postings has he made in that time that *do* contain [News]?

Since he's obviously hand-typing each and every letter of every article
he quotes (and doing a magnificent job, too), I suggest Roy start
cutting and pasting [NEWS] to keep the trolls happy.

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keep the Windummies fat and happy.

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