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Re: [article] Google product to help retailers

__/ [ John A. ] on Thursday 16 March 2006 14:42 \__

> On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 13:25:17 +0000, Davémon <"davémon"@nospam.com>
> wrote:
>>Roy Schestowitz arranged shapes to form:
>>> What will be next? Latterly, they have been helping promote the $100
>>> laptop, which runs Linux and could reach half a billion people within a
>>> couple of years.
>>I've always found the $100 laptop to be a bit of a non-sequitur - it's
>>supposed to open up third world markets - but there isn't a telecoms
>>infrastructure in order to provide connectivity services. Unless the $100
>>laptop includes some kind of *free* GPRS it seems quite pointless.
> from http://laptop.org/faq.en_US.html
> What about connectivity? Aren't telecommunications services expensive
> in the developing world?
> When these machines pop out of the box, they will make a mesh network
> of their own, peer-to-peer. This is something initially developed at
> MIT and the Media Lab. We are also exploring ways to connect them to
> the backbone of the Internet at very low cost.

Fascinating, John. Thanks for the information.

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