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Re: The 8-Hour Sleep Myth

__/ [ normc ] on Friday 26 May 2006 04:32 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ normc ] on Wednesday 24 May 2006 19:45 \__
>>>Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>I thought that this following new article on sleep would be interesting
>>>>to some.
>>>>,----[ Snippet ]
>>>>| But a new, contrarian school of thought is emerging. The eight-hours
>>>>| mantra has no more scientific basis than the tooth fairy, says Neil
>>>>| Stanley,
>>>>| head of sleep research at the Human Psychopharmacology Research Unit at
>>>>| the University of Surrey in Britain. He believes that everyone has
>>>>| their own individual 'sleep need' which can be anywhere between three
>>>>| and 11 hours. If you're a three-hour-a-night person, you need three;
>>>>| if you're 11, you need 11.? To find out, he says, simply sleep until
>>>>| you wake naturally, without the aid of an alarm clock. Feel rested?
>>>>| That's your sleep need.
>>> From http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/healthnews.php?newsid=43973
>>>Sleep More Important Than Diet For Weight Control
>>>What constitutes a good night's sleep? For this study, the researchers
>>>observed the effect sleeping five or fewer hours regularly has on a
>>>woman's weight over the medium and long term. They compared them to
>>>women who managed to regularly get 7 hours' sleep each night.
>> That's quite surprising. I would have thought that, since sleep requires
>> less energy (reduced heart pulse rate), this would actually have the
>> adverse effect. According to this study, lack of sleep leads to weight
>> gain...
>> Best wishes,
>> Roy
> That's the way I read it.  However, next year they may find that men are
> different than women.  That test was only with the latter.

Great. So now I feel guilty if I undersleep and guilty if I oversleep.
Something's gotta give... *smile*

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