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Re: [News] One Guy Administers 279 Linux Workstations in School

__/ [ Bruce Scott TOK ] on Thursday 05 October 2006 16:30 \__

> Roy S wrote:
>>__/ [ Jim ] on Thursday 05 October 2006 09:52 \__
>>> Same here. Wordprocessing in Kate, typesetting in OOo or straight to
>>> postscript.
>>I typically start with a simple text editor (Kedit and Kwrite/Kate). Later
>>I move it onto something else which handles formatting. This has many
>>advantages, speed and portability included.
> Emacs and TeX it is, for me.  Never anything else if I can help it.

I should probably learn how to use VIM properly one day. I only know how to
save and change from insert mode to overwrite mode. *smile*

> That's a goodpoint about WYS.. by the way, although TeX can be as bad if
> you let it (especially for equations).

That's a serious pitfall, no doubt. For equations I will always use LyX with
its excellent Math Panel. This obviates the need to memorise symbols and
complex syntax and it also enables you to view the outcome without
compiling. Work dirty, leave pretty output to the end. That's the only way
to work on a PDA without doing nasty conversion and easting up the battery.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Ballmer O/S - so furious it may crash
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU is Not UNIX  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
roy      pts/7                         Thu Oct  5 03:31 - 03:33  (00:01)    
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