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Re: Roy Schestowitz: Oh man

After takin' a swig o' grog, Erik Funkenbusch belched out this bit o' wisdom:

> On 12 Oct 2006 06:54:22 -0700, Sean Inglis wrote:
>>> This sort of spamming occurs in no other NG that I am aware of.
>> It is not spam. They are relevant on-topic posts. You need to look up
>> the standard definition of spam. You also need to look at the state of
>> a few other newsgroups if you genuinely consider this to be true.
> So, If I flooded this newsgroup with 10,000 messages that related to Linux
> in some way every hour, you would have no problem with that?

Yes.  But that's not nearly how many Roy posts.

I actually love it that Roy's posts gets your panties in a wad.

> It's a question of volume and quality.  Many news servers rotate content
> after a certain number of messages.  Posting 2000 messages a week causes
> the newsgroup to flush way too quickly in all but the largest news servers.
> Roy posts more messages in 1 *DAY* than COLA has historically had in 1-2
> weeks.


> The result is that regulars and vistors, and yes, trolls can't get a word
> in edgewise.  Is it really worth killing nearly *ALL* conversation just to
> swat a few nuisances?

Yes, except Roy's not even killing your conversation here, let alone
others, Mr. Spammenbusch.

> Just look at the weekly statistics.  You see that *ALL* genuine discourse
> has dropped through the floor since Roy started posting.  

I'm glad you acknowledge, however indirectly, that your nittering and
whining is not genuine discourse.

   They're just like other totalitarian regimes: in order to remain at the top,
   they need to exert absolute control, ruthless suppression of anything
   even remotely resembling competition, an army of astroturfers, and a
   well-oiled propaganda machine. -- Richard Rasker, 4 Oct 2006.

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