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Re: My first killfile entry

On 2006-09-19, Oliver Wong <owong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> posted something concerning:
> "The Ghost In The Machine" <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> news:1rb3u3-as7.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Hadron Quark
>> <qadronhuark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote
>> on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 21:10:19 +0200
>> <87u035at44.fsf@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>> ed <ed@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>>> It's Roys messages that make this group useful. Without Roy this group
>>>> would just be flatty and scott trolling. Don't forget, this is not a
>>>> help group.
>>> No its not. He posts a shit load of "MS sucks" posts. And he tells
>>> lies. He also posts links to articles that have no relation to his
>>> subject line.
>> Exactly.  We need equal time for Microsoft.  More than equal time, in
>> fact; it should obviously be a 90%/10% split, or whatever the current
>> market share is.
>> After all, this is comp.os.advocacy.whatever.is.popular.buy.buy.buy,
>> not comp.os.linux.advocacy.
>> Erm...I think.  Wait, lemme check my newsheaders again...
>     On the other hand, there are several differences between "Linux is good 
> because [some factually true statement]" and "Microsoft sucks because [some 
> factually false statement]". For one, one of them is Linux advocacy, and the 
> other is not.

By title, yes. But the content may be advocacy in both instances. The
title would just be unrelated to the substance.

Sort of like my example to Erik about his being a weasel when the post
was really about XEN.

Neither my new computer, nor even Linux, would exist without MS.
  --Edwin, A Follower of the True Windows Religion©
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