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Re: My first killfile entry

mlw <mlw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> 7 wrote:
>> mlw wrote:
>>> Over the years, I have resisted the "killfile" because I thought, even a
>>> broken clock is right twice a day. I'm not afraid of opinions of which I
>>> do not approve. As such, I always viewed "killfiles" as an electronic
>>> form of childishly holding you hands over your ears and saying "la la la
>>> la"
>>> What changed? Schestowitz is polluting this group with so many pointless
>>> messages, that, without a killfile, the group is useless.
>>> So Roy, I think you are an idiot and wish you would stop spamming the
>>> group. Servers all over the world are caching you crap and anyone simply
>>> looking at the group without a filter will be hard pressed to find useful
>>> content.
>>> In short, you suck.
>> What you can't control you must kill?


> Lol, with freedom comes responsibility. Roy sucks big ones, because although
> he has the freedom to post his spam, he lacks the responsibility to
> restrain himself.
>> He doesn't suck at all. 

He does you know.

> Sorry difference of opinion. He sucks. And so, I'm pretty sure, do you.

<nods head> He does.

>> Its a valuable contribution to damped down 
>> the ridiculous noise level created by asstroturfers.

And ironically you're in most killfiles.

> So, what you are saying is this: His posts are intentionally flooding the
> site in an effort to make discussion difficult.  He sucks.

<nods> Yup. Irrefutable proof. I hear that chrisv has "documented proof"
that Roy does, in fact, suck.

>> If anything you should silently create kill files and not
>> disturb anyone else about your personal habbits.
> Excuse me? Oh, I get it, the only rational response to that kind of
> statement is, hmm, let me think, oh yes, I know, Fuck you.

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