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Re: Linux Tax Problem Resolved

  • Subject: Re: Linux Tax Problem Resolved
  • From: William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2007 23:16:55 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: The Orbiting Anvil & Spammhammer Company
  • Os: FreeBSD 6.1
  • Pgp-key: 0xD074FE94
  • Posted-by: The Potrzebie Appreciation Society
  • References: <2558677.x4ZoYsX2sQ@schestowitz.com> <1173625122.603310.179310@v33g2000cwv.googlegroups.com> <17260970.fAtFARq9cG@schestowitz.com> <1173627145.762421.307960@30g2000cwc.googlegroups.com> <55insnF24tb85U1@mid.individual.net> <1173631774.097723.108610@v33g2000cwv.googlegroups.com> <55ir5jF218pfmU1@mid.individual.net> <7031775.BNn7zLjYNr@schestowitz.com>
  • Rule-1: Googlegroups "The Home of Trolls" deleted at server level.
  • Rule-2: M$ Outlook Express posts deleted at server level.
  • Rule-3: Anonymous remailers deleted at server level.
  • Rule-4: X-no-archive-yes posters deleted at server level.
  • Rule-5: Crossposts deleted at server level.
  • Rule-6: Aioe.org posters deleted at server level.
  • Systems: Kubuntu, PCLinuxOS, FeeBSD, Slackware etc..
  • User-agent: Pan 0.125
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:503741
On Sun, 11 Mar 2007 21:51:40 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> __/ [ B Gruff ] on Sunday 11 March 2007 17:04 \__
>> On Sunday 11 March 2007 16:49 achmed.jones@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>>> If only OSS zealots care about the points made, please explain to us
>>>> why you feel it necessary to troll that group, use several dozen
>>>> different nyms over the past 2 weeks even (let alone the ones before
>>>> that!), and why you feel the need to cross-post to all those other
>>>> groups?
>>> If only you could prove that claim.
>>> Talk is cheap, especially when it originates from a Linux lackey.
>>> While you're at it, why not prove I'm flatfish. That should be good for
>>> a few laughs.
>> You have posted and cross-posted under many dozen nyms.
>> In particular, we once knew you as SUX, because in many of your
>> postings, and under dozens of your nyms, you were stupid enough to
>> retain the e-mail of "linux-sux@xxxxxxxxx
>> You changed that when you realised how easy it made it for us to add you
>> to the kill-file filters.
>> Are you disputing any of that?
> Gruff, if you look at other threads, there's no  shadow of a doubt.
> achmed.jones@xxxxxxxxx is flatfish. Just filter this new nym of his.

Better still, filter '@yahoo.com' then it doesn't matter what he shifts to.
Filtering googlegroups, aioe & yahoo leaves them *very* little room for

Contrary to popular belief, the M$ trolls & shills 
*can* tell the difference between their arse
& their elbow. 
They can't talk out of their elbow.

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