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Re: Schestowitz sets new personal record, I believe!

Comment Spammer jolt.n.pizza@xxxxxxxxx using Google-Groups and
Proxy IP from Angola wrote:
Tim Smith wrote:
Roy Schestowitz wrote:

'Tim Funkenbusch Quark' (user harlowmonekys in Digg...
yes, he nymshifts) is on

Wrong, of course.  Do you actually know what nymshifting is?
Evidently not.

What professional SPAMMER does know?

my blocklist. From what I was able to gather, he uses the
site not to read news. He navigates by stalking my comment
and submissions (there are APIs and feeds for that), then
modding them many of down. He admitted doing that blindly
and systematically. Flatfish+nyms and a couple of others

Strike two.  For one week, I tried to mod every one of your
comments down, to check your claim that it would take hours
a day to do that.  I determined that it would take about 5
minutes a day, tops, and thus determined that your claims
that your poor performance on Digg must be due to people
being paid to bury were you were unsupported by the evidence.

People are on to Roy Schestowitz over on digg and Roy doesn't
like it so he goes crying like a baby to the admins. Read some
of the comments by people. How the hell can he reach -157 with
just a couple of COLA trolls burying him? It's not possible.

The real truth, and what Roy is hoping will be steam rolled,
is that Roy is a very unlikeable person over on digg. People
have Roy figured out and can vote with their opinion, unlike over in COLA where he floods the place whenever he wants and
has his ignorant choir defend him. That doesn't work on digg.

Tim seems to know much better what is happening in my
account in Digg (the

I know how to use a web site that reports Digg stats by
user.  That's how I know that of your last 50 comments, you
got an average of 2.42 positive ratings (including the
rating of 1 a comment starts with), and 6.92 negative
ratings, for a net of -4.5.

Where is this website? It seems like an interesting place.

Interestingly, everyone you claim is a troll there to stalk
you has a net positive rating.  Furthermore, you tend to do
worse on stories that get popular, and thus have more
exposure to the general Digg population.

Roy is like a person who comes to work with the flu. The more
people he comes in contact with and infects with his parnoid, narcissistic personality, the more people dislike him. Digg users are a lot smarter than COLA freaks so Roy can't use his typical tricks to bury bad press.

Narcissist? Paranoid? Sounds like a consistent trait of the comment spammer that posted this shite.

trolls used to post some statistics here) and I imagine
that the score he mentions above (I don't know what the
comment is) is one of those where a ~10-line sig is
appended to protest against Digg staff for not banning the
 COLA trolls (yet), who do nothing but attack me  (don't
be misled. When they are not in COLA they do their
shilling elsewhere). Anyway, not everyone is happy with
that protest of mine -- a protest against slander and
systematic modding down on my contributions (silencing
attempts), so I'm modded down. They did the same thing to
the profile in Google Groups.

Roy, you get dugg down on Digg becuase, among other reasons,
you post inaccurate information, you post off-topic
information (pretty much everything you post in the windows
section, for example), you post identical comments to
multiple stories (it is called spam, Roy, and Digg users
don't like spam), you post many links to your own sites (but
criticize others who post links to their own sites), you
call anyone who disgrees with you a shill, and you appear to
use automated software to do some of your posting (and it is
buggy software).

I believe Roy *IS* using automated software and I have
reported him to the digg administrators to have them
investigate. I have sent, amongst other things, time stamped
messages from both COLA, Netscape and digg and have inquired
as to how Roy could possibly be posting all of these messages
within minutes of each other to multiple places if he were not
circumventing the system.

This is NOT an attack on Roy Schestowitz in any shape form or
fashion as I believe Roy is as entitled to his opinion as much
as anyone else. Quite unlike Roy himself who believes people
that disagree with him should be sileneced. Really odd
considering he fancies himself an open source freedom fighter.
That's known as a hypocrite BTW.

The reason Roy's posting is being questioned is because it
violates diggs policy on using automated devices to post and
in effect skews the site which totally goes against what digg
is all about.

Time will be the judge as to what digg administration thinks
of Roy, but the evidence for him using robot software to post
is overwhelming.

(posted to groups that Roy Frequently SPAMS with his nonsense)

Hmmm, Roy posts to microsoft.public.windows.vista.general and comp.sys.mac.advocacy? Perhaps in response to a cross post, otherwise it is an interesting lie.

Let's looks at some information on this nymshifting comment spammer:


IP Address Inspector [Spam Server]

The Project Honey Pot system has detected behavior from the IP address consistent with that of a mail server and comment spammer. Below we've reported some other data associated with this IP. This interrelated data helps map spammers' networks and aids in law enforcement efforts. If you know something about this IP, please leave a comment.

Geographic Location 	[Angola] Angola
IP Characteristics 	Blocklisted By: SORBS, SpamCop
Spider First Seen 	approximately 2 months, 1 week ago
Spider Last Seen 	within 1 week
Spider Sightings 	424 visit(s)
First Received From 	approximately 1 year, 2 months, 1 week ago
Last Received From 	within 1 year, 2 months, 1 week
Number Received 	1 email(s) sent from this IP
First Post On 	approximately 2 months, 1 week ago
Last Post On 	within 1 week
Form Posts 	289 web post submission(s) sent from this IP


Online Proxy Viewer
0 through 100 of 146 Online shown

ISO2 IP:Port HTTP HTTPS Group By External IP Anonymous Added Last Checked


Angola	1	1	0	2Sep07	3:27 hours ago

There is one thing common with this comment spammer's and his buddies (and puppet socks) statements:


7.6 Trespasser Disinformation Tactics

17. Don't substantiate your claims. Refuse to present evidence to support your invalid claims. Repeat your invalid claims and have your anti-Linux propagandist comrades do the same. Do the same for any invalid claims that you have notice your anti-Linux propagandists comrades make.


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