Hadron wrote:
ball.cock.the.plumber@xxxxxxxxx writes:
The long shot answer is that Roy is really a reverse troll
working for Microsoft et al in order to make Linux and in
particular the Linux community look bad by virtue of his
That's my take. And it's so cleverly done. The introduction of
High Plains Thumper was a nice bit of lateral thinking. The
"almost sane" posters who waffle on knowing nothing about the
subjects and his "me too" posts constantly spamming the world
and his mother with his crappy FAQ. It's no wonder that Linux
adoption appears to be in reverse.
Hadron Quark - Troll
Name: Hadron Quark (aka: Hadron, Damian O'Leary, Hans Schneider)
* Microsoft apologist
* Habitual liar
* Sets Organization header pretending to work at CERN, IBM, etc
* Doesn't understand the value of telnet client as a simple
network debugging tool. Thinks using telnet always means sending
a username and password in clear text. Truly ignorant of TCP/IP.
* Troll puppet
* Gets upset when anyone includes their qualification in
their .sig. This along with his pretence of working at CERN and
IBM implies, IMHO, an inferiority complex. Probably a drop out
who bears a grudge towards those who have achieved what Hadron
* Exhibits serious reading comprehension difficulties
* Quark is too stupid to understand when the point above is
explained to him over and over again
* In case you missed it, he is just stupid. No cure. So sad
Surely you are not comparing the non-existent Linux (at that
time) with 98?
comp.os.linux.advocacy - Thu, 16 Aug 2007
Message-ID: npk5rvzafy.fsf@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
"Anything said in COLA is a crock of shit."
Hadron Quark, Tuesday 03 Jul 2007 - alt.os.linux.ubuntu
LOL Indeed. Of course I troll sometimes. I never denied it. One
has to when dealing with loonies like Willy Boaster and his
amazing killfiles.
Message-ID: n145s4-517.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Marti van Lin said...
The sneaky little troll is up to something again, namely
attacking the authors of the stats script in COLA.
Watch the "Newsreader Poll on Ubuntu Forums" topic in
I never felt Hadron was evil in contrast to the rest of the
Microshaft shills, only annoying. This proves however I was wrong :-p
July 13, 2007 12:28 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, he's evil because he wants to verify stats that are
posted with his own script. Do you work for the Bush
administration? "Truth, we don't need the truth..."
July 14, 2007 5:15 AM
Anonymous said...
Hadron claims he is an advocate but behaves most contrary to
that, denigrating advocates. Most recent demonstration of his
trolling accused a poster with language difficulties, inferring
3rd world inferiority mentality:
Hadron wrote:
> I assume from your inability to
> understand the simplest of threads
> that your first language is not
> English. And for that, I apologise
> unreservedly for pointing out the
> holes in your vapid posts.
Oh, so now we've gone from idiot to racist, excellent
advocacy, eh Hadron?
September 22, 2007 9:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Hadron admits to trolling:
"I do admit I troll sometimes. It is amusing to watch
puppets like yourself twitch."
October 8, 2007 6:58 AM