Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> ____/ Peter Köhlmann on Saturday 27 October 2007 00:06 : \____
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> ____/ chrisv on Friday 26 October 2007 21:10 : \____
>>>> Mark Kent wrote:
>>>>>Peter Köhlmann <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>>>> Fine. I will *never*
>>>>>> Nothing I write will *ever* be released under a "GPL2 or later"
>>>>>> clause. Not ever
>>>>>Fine - walk with the dinosaurs!
>>>> Like Linus?
>>> Linus needs to wake up too.
>> Certainly. After all, the GPL3-cult is right. Even when its wrong
> It's not about DRM or TiVo. Linus, by his own admission, concentrates on
> technical things and is not entirely aware of the 'politics' outside it
> all. The matter of fact that without the GPLv3's protection (e.g. against
> patents), the kernel will be hurt and subverted. Hasn't he already seen
> the unsubstantiated claims coming from Microsoft and accusing the kernel
> of 'infringing'?
> He called security expert "insane" a couple of weeks ago, but does he care
> enough to know that the whole system around him was made "insane" to knock
> him out of the market? FWIW, Alax Cox appears to be supporting GPLv3.
More unsupported idiocy regarding GPL3
Face it, Roy, *everythng you GPL3-cultists so far have asserted about GPL3
is just simply bullshit. I am simply not dumb enough to buy that balderdash
Law of Probable Dispersal:
Whatever it is that hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.