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Re: LEAKED: Dell/H-P/Lenovo/Vendor Recommends Windows is Fake!

Verily I say unto thee, that Chris Ahlstrom spake thusly:
> After takin' a swig o' grog, Homer belched out this bit o' wisdom:

>> Roy opposes corruption, whereas you positively endorse it, so I
>> fail to see how you can think it's /Roy/ who's "slimy", when it's
>> actually /you/ and your kind who are the living embodiment of
>> slime.
> Dude, you might make the quoting levels a little more obvious!
> <grin>

With friendly-fire that accurate, I nearly qualify to join the US Army
Artillery Core.

Well that's what I get for piggy-backing someone else's reply to an
(otherwise) invisible Troll, I guess. Thanks for the decloak BTW :/

Oh and it's not flatty, it's that idiot and all-round k00k Rick Mather
(a.k.a. Clogwog) who likes to impersonate infamous trolls like the Fish
and K-bitch, for some juvenile and/or sociopathic reason.

Talking of Jean-Francois Mezei (a.k.a. the /real/ Kadaitcha man;
French-Canadian fuckwit extraordinaire) I see it's decided to bless us
with another round of Olde English filth again. He definitely needs some
new material. It's such a pity he didn't stick to comparing Vista to a
three-legged Bactrian camel named Humphrey. Now /that/ was funny.

Unfortunately, Monsieur Mezei must've been reigned-in by Sweaty the
Impaler and a particularly large canister of grease, because his
withering criticism of the Vole's pet lemon rapidly disappeared from his
site, only to be replaced by the Microsoft-approved version, which was
full of platitudes; u-turns; and generally very very lame indeed (much
like Humphrey, in fact).

Not to worry though, thanks to the magic of infinite digital data
retention, may I present an archived copy of the original and unabridged
work, for your personal perusal and viewing pleasure:


Hopefully the joys of reading this hilarious coup de grâce will distract
you from the fact that, for a split second, you thought I'd condemned
you as the living embodiment of slime. If not, then just tell me where
to send the cheque.


| "At the time, I thought C was the most elegant language and Java
|  the most practical one. That point of view lasted for maybe two
|  weeks after initial exposure to Lisp."   ~ Constantine Vetoshev

Fedora release 8 (Werewolf) on sky, running kernel
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