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Re: Impressive. 38 Articles to the group each one 4 minutes apart.

On Thu, 20 Nov 2008 04:42:37 -0700, High Plains Thumper wrote:

> Hadron wrote:
>> William Poaster writes:
>>> chrisv wrote:
>>>>> thick fsck "Ezekiel" asked:
>>>>>> What's the difference between this and the spammer trying to sell
>>>>>> viagra?
>>>> If the viagra posts were posted to a viagra advocacy group, nothing,
>>>> you thick fsck.
>>>> Duh!
>>> Well if you look at the troll's statement carefully, he answered his
>>> own question.
>>> To be pedantic, for the thick trolls screaming about Roy's posts, it is
>>> NOT spam. To use the troll's example, the BIG difference is that the
>>> spammer is trying to *sell* viagra. Did anyone notice the word "sell"?
>>> Roy OTOH is not trying to sell *anything*.
> Basically these trolls including DFS have no respect for Linux nor the
> charter of this newsgroup, which is:
> http://www.faqs.org/faqs/linux/advocacy/faq-and-primer/
> [quote]
> 1.4 The Charter of comp.os.linux.advocacy
>     The charter of comp.os.linux.advocacy is:
>       For discussion of the benefits of Linux compared to other
> operating systems.
>     That single sentence is the one and only charter of the
> newsgroup comp.os.linux.advocacy. The newsgroup's charter is for the
> newsgroup as a place for supporters of Linux to gather to discuss Linux,
> for the betterment of the Linux community and the promotion and
> development of Linux. It supports this as a place for those who would like
> to learn more about Linux to come to learn from those who know Linux. It
> does not call for it to be a place where the anti-Linux propagandists to
> gather in order to discredit Linux.
> [/quote]
> So far, just about everything they state within this newsgroup is done in
> a manner to discredit Linux.  Then to add insult to injury, attack the
> poster instead of addressing the topics in discussion, adding flavours of
> ad hominem rants, distortions of the truth such as:
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.advocacy/msg/6ceebee014da19f5
> From: Hadron <hadronqu...@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 06:38:41 +0100 Subject: Re: No more Asus Eee PCs
> [quote]
> "DFS" <nospam@xxxxxxxx> writes: [...]
>> Because you're a weak-minded liar and Linux luser who can't back up his
>> bullshit.
> Not once has he refuted any correction I offered him. In my mind that
> makes him less useful than chrisv or tattoo vampire at elocution lessons.
> He does a Chris Arestrom and snips the replies and tries to rewrite
> history.
> On one day I had Liarnut begrudgingly thank me for correcting him on a
> Debian issue and a few posts later (earning another doggy drop) claim that
> I dont use Linux and know nothing about it.
> Go figure.
> I kind of knew Porter was less useful than a chocolate teapot when High
> Plains Hypocrite introduced himself and said how nice it was to meet a
> "wintroll fighter" of such legendary proportions. Poor Terry fell for the
> troll from whoever it was and started to believe he really was that
> person. [/quote]
> Thus insults by twisting poster nyms, twisted analogies, calling advocates
> useless, trolls and ad nauseum.
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.advocacy/msg/ce893e2feb0eee1a
> From: Hadron <hadronqu...@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2008 15:06:38 +0100 Subject: Re: Microsoft Evangelism a
> Flawed Philosophy
> [quote]
> "amicus_curious" [...] writes:
>> "High Plains Thumper" [...] wrote [...]
>>> These two replies are examples of ad hominem attacks, attacking the
>>> poster rather than participating in the discussion.
>> [...] One would hope that you have an understanding of Linux that is
>> better than your understanding of English!
> In fairness to High Plains Hypocrite he is either Chinese of Dutch. But he
> appears to talk Double Dutch. But you are right about one thing : any
> language he speaks would be superior to his knowledge of Linux.
> [/quote]
> All of a sudden, one's heritage, national background or ethnicity give way
> to false illiteracy conclusions as the central focal point, which of
> course are ad hominem attacks.
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.advocacy/msg/1f30c05725c93c26
> From: Hadron <hadronqu...@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2008 16:31:34 +0100 Subject: Re: Mighty Putty vs
> "Mighty" Linux
> [quote]
> RonB <ronb02NOS...@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> Hamilcar Barca wrote:
>>> Groups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
>> Nope. I'm a Linux Desktop user, not a developer. Dropped Windows because
>> I got fed up with updating the malware and antivirus software... not to
>> mention the constant rebooting.
> You updated your stuff manually? You MUST be High Plains Hypocrite. Only
> he is so stupid. Oh sorry. Or Terry Porter. [/quote]
> is another example of ad hominem rants continued along with falsely
> accusing an advocate of being a nymshift of two totally different posters.
>  By fact RonB is another advocate.
>> Is that what you define SPAM as? Just as I thought you could not get any
>> more useless Willy.
>>> The wintrolls (who shouldn't even *be* in this group) are as usual,
>>> putting up strawman arguments.
>> So you dont think automated, repated posts with zero link to Linux
>> advocacy is SPAM? All Roy is doing is generating hits to this name and
>> site. Hits make prizes.
>> No one with any sense reads his garbage anymore because:
>> 1) He robbed the links from better and more balanced sites. 2) His
>> conclusions are invariably wrong. 3) He repeats the same links all the
>> time. 4) A great proportion of his posts reference ancient material more
>> that a year old.
>> Poor Willy. As clueless as they come.
> which is more false accusations with continual ad hominem rants.
>   I find it rather revealing that the troll's agenda basically is
> to comment spam this newsgroup with Anti-Linux landfill material.

As usual, straight over the Quack troll's head. 

And as "No one with any sense reads his garbage anymore because.." one can
assume that Quack has binned on the [News], yes? In which case wtf is the
troll whining for?
Or is the troll to stupid to bin, & just *wants* to whine & moan, thus
keeping in tune with his anti-Linux troll pals.

Most people are sheep.  
Microsoft is very effective 
at fleecing the flockers.

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