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Re: Inconsistency in "Linux GUI" debunked

William Poaster wrote:
> On Thu, 05 Feb 2009 04:51:17 -0700, above the shrieking & whining of the
> trolls, High Plains Thumper was heard to say:
>> Hadron wrote:
>>> High Plains Thumper writes:
>>>> ml2mst wrote:
>>>>> The trolls however never complain about the inconsistency of Windows
>>>>> apps.
>>>> True.  Having used WordPerfect, Claris Works! and Lotus Smarsuite, I
>>>> considered these superior to Microsoft Word.
>>>>> They probably never used Nero Burning Suite or any anti virus suite
>>>>> eh?
>>> What do they have to do with DE consistency on Linux? Are you mad?
> Ah, the "Half-wit Hadron" M$ fanboi's answer to everything "Are you mad"
> or "Are you insane".
>> Nero Burning Suite is available for Linux:
>> http://www.nero.com/enu/linux3.html
>> In addition to so called "consistency" being irrelevant, this is an
>> example of:
>> http://tantek.pbwiki.com/TrollTaxonomy
>> [quote] Ad hominem troll
>> Ad hominem troll at its simplest, will attack people personally, rather
>> than the merits of their statements or methodologies.
>> The ad hominem troll often has already lost a rational argument about a
>> topic, and thus its goal is to change the argument from being about a
>> topic, to being about the people opposed to the troll (which could mean
>> any/all rational person(s) in the discussion), in the hopes of both
>> discrediting people's ideas indirectly by discrediting the people, and
>> engendering an emotional reaction from the people by attacking their egos
>> / self-image. The "getting a reaction out of" goal is common to most troll
>> types. [/quote]
>>>> Probably.  Or Linux apps.
>>> It is truly amazing how you two seem totally unable to grasp the concept
>>> of what consistency is and what it means. The rest of the world puts
>>> importance on it. You don't even seem able to understand what it IS. It
>>> is truly a shame for mankind and Linux that you are able to "advocate"
>>> in this way. Your ignorance is palpable.
>> This is a continuation of the ad hominem attack, see above.
>> http://colatrolls.blogspot.com/2007/01/hadron-quark-troll.html
>> http://tinyurl.com/6ngfby
>> Subject: Re: Microsoft's Secret Sauce for 'Success' Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007
>> 20:32:35 +0900 Message-ID: pan.2007.
>> [quote]
>>>> No it isn't. Linux is freely available for download. The problem is
>>>> that for too long Linux was crap and simply not ready for the prime
>>>> time desktop. It is now. But it's missed the boat. And people like you
>>>> whining all the time about MS isn't going to change that. Grow a set of
>>>> balls and advocate LINUX and stop whinging like schoolgirl about the
>>>> Market Leader. [...]
>> Hadron uses a very common trolling technique. Rather than participate in
>> the discussion, attempts to deflect the issues by flinging insulting
>> retorts, such as homophobic name calling and referring to a poster's
>> expressions as "whines". In his insulting, extolls a competing operating
>> system by calling it a market leader. This confirms he is here to troll.
>> He misrepresents the truth, showing that he truly is not an advocate,
>> referring to Linux as crap. Yet 10 years ago, Linux was a complete and
>> suitable desktop product. As you show in the following explanations
>> regarding Microsoft concerns expressed through the Halloween papers.
>> [/quote]
> Hadron Quack is a self-confessed troll & a M$ fanboi. 
> 'nuff said.

Pffft. who gives a hoot about what Hadron Quark writes?

If HPT didn't quote it, I would have never even seen the Quackery.

I gave up responding to the nutter ;-)

|_|0|_| Marti T. van Lin
|_|_|0| http://ml2mst.googlepages.com
|0|0|0| http://osgeex.blogspot.com

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