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Re: Obama picks BSA's antipiracy enforcer for high-level post

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____/ Terry Porter on Tuesday 27 January 2009 00:56 : \____

> George Barca wrote:
>> On Mon, 26 Jan 2009 12:36:10 -0500, "Ezekiel" <zeke@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>>Are you kidding - Schestowitz work???
>>>Roy's never had a job in his life and is a student on the "10 year" plan.

Funny. I've worked since I was about 13 or 14. I think I began with

I finished my practical work at the university around 2005/06. You know it
because you were here in COLA under your nym du jour, probably "Scott Nudds"
or linuxsux or something...

>>>He lives in a dorm room and leaches off someone else's ISP connection.

I live in a studio apartment and I have a 100 Mbit/connection.

>>>don't see how any company in it's right mind would hire a wack job like
>>>Roy given the amount of lies and dishonesty that he's posted on the web.

Funny I've been *approached* with offers, even 6-figure wages.

>>>Companies want people who will work... not some idiot who's going to spend
>>>24/7 pushing his personal agenda.

How is Freedom a personal agenda? perhaps you live in a world or mindset of
selfishness, so you assume the same about others.

>>>> George Barca
>>>> georgebarca1981@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> I don't believe you.
> Hahah, now *that's* a good sign :)
>> George Barca
>> georgebarca1981@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |   Microsoft's Counter-Supportive Evangelist (MCSE)
http://Schestowitz.com  |    RHAT Linux     |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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