After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out
this bit o' wisdom:
> THERE is a very interesting new comment from GreyGeek which led to further
> discussion (scroll down to the comments). He wrote:
Linux Today is not responsible for the content of the message below.
> [T]he GoDaddy, Google and other Netcraft debacles in the Spring of 2005 and
> later revealed that Netcraft does everything it can to twist the data in such
> a way that it increases Microsoft?s webserver percentages and decreases
> FOSS?s. With that twisting they have been able to make their ?reporting?
> APPEAR that Apache?s server share has dropped from over 70% to 46%, while
> Microsoft?s has risen from under 20% to nearly 30%.
. . .
(Just so you can read the original).
You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night
to write.
-- Saul Bellow