Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
> Stone Mirror belched:
>> Sorry, Chris, you can't "smear" someone with facts. Are you suggesting
>> that I'm telling lies about Roy...?
>Wrong poster, dude.
>Look, I have no idea if you are the real David 'Lefty' Schlesinger who works
>for ACCESS on a Linux mobility platform, or someone who has, like "Logan
>Rathbone" or "Moshe Goldfarb", assumed someone else's online 'identity' in
>order to troll or to tar someone else. It's been done before, many times.
>One poster in here, in particular, does it on a regular basis, and puts a
>lot of work into it.
Notice how "Logan Rathbone" quitely stopped posting, since he was
outed? Laff.
A lot of work, indeed. In this case, Flatshit creating a new
personae, and designing a strategy of what "reasonable" things to say,
to try and pass himself off as a legitimate Linux user.
This "experiment" even included the mentally-ill POS conversing with
himself, using two different 'nyms, sometimes agreeing and sometimes
disagreeing with himself!
Can you say "fscked in the head"?
Of course, the idiot's "experiments" always fail to show what he hopes
they will. They end-up only showing that anyone being an asshole, by
attacking others personally and unfairly, will be called an asshole.