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Re: Code of Conduct complaint about Linus's comments at DC14 :: Respect

+++ Paul Hedderly [2014-09-21 18:43 +0100]:
> Yes. That sounds like descrimination.
> A similar problem exists in the UK now. It seems that in the name of
> tollerance you must be allowed to say just about anything you want
> about anything, unless you are a Christian and then you are not
> allowed to have or voice an opinion. On anything. Weird world.

Christians can have opinions just like everyone else.

There is a tendency to ignore them these days, I agree, which is
probably because they've been talking nonsense for 2000 years now and
people are starting to notice :-)

[yes, I know I shouldn't, this is now way off topic, and the thread
far too long, but I couldn't resist]

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