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Re: Code of Conduct complaint about Linus's comments at DC14

On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 10:22:41PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
Michael Stone writes ("Re: Code of Conduct complaint about Linus's comments at DC14"):
 Are there specific instances of behavior you think was unjustly
sanctioned (not rhetorically bludgeoned) as a CoC violation?

It should be pointed out that of course I'm not rhetorically
bludgeoning Linus (even if that was what I intended, which it isn't)
because he's not reading any of this.

For the record, I am not accusing you of this, and specifically didn't name anyone having done so because I didn't think it was productive or relevant. (People will always appeal to something desirable yet unprovable to bolster their argument, whether it's the CoC, or democratic ideals, or human rights, or the form of the good; since someone could attempt to tie any concept to an argument with which someone else disagrees, fear that a particular concept could be used that way is not a useful reason to discard the concept.) The larger question was whether anyone can point to an example of the CoC being misused in a way that they think actually caused the project to sanction someone unjustly--and the answer seems to be, "no".

Mike Stone

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