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Re: Code of Conduct complaint about Linus's comments at DC14 :: Respect

On Fri, Sep 05, 2014 at 12:54:18PM -0600, Anthony Towns wrote:
> On 5 September 2014 10:25, Russ Allbery <rra@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Apparently. Here's another quote:
> > No, that's clearly not true.  Linus does not treat people with respect by
> > my definition of the word.  He treats people with aggressive contempt in a
> > way that no human being should ever be treated.  Maybe I should use some
> > word other than respect for that, but regardless, he is not meeting that
> > standard, and that's unacceptable.  And should be unacceptable inside
> > Debian.
> I read that last sentence as "Linus should be unacceptable inside
> Debian" fwiw. Perhaps you just meant "not meeting that standard should
> be unacceptable inside Debian", but in that case, I'm not sure who
> you're arguing with?

Personally, I'm more disturbed by the sweeping absolute denunciation in
the prior sentences than the ambiguity of the last one.

It's human nature for people to sensationalise outlier behaviour, so
maybe that is the only side some people ever see, but clever people
don't stick around where they aren't respected, so anyone who has
managed to attract that many clever people to collaborate with them,
for this long, in ever growing numbers, clearly can't be the sort of
bastard to everyone, all the time, that this picture seems to paint.

My personal experience with submitting patches and bug reports to LK
is of a team that is professional, diligent, and generally more
courteous than many of our own package maintainers.  We could do well
to raise our own standards to a similar level as theirs.

I also have some rather acute cognitive dissonance at seeing this
damning tone directed at someone whose ongoing positive contributions
are so far beyond the average that if it's at all possible to buy an
indulgence for occasional Over Colourful or otherwise unacceptable
behaviour they would still have change to shout everyone beer and
icecream -- from the same person who has repeatedly had to be the
apologist for the extraordinary and unacceptable behaviour of some
of our own EXTREMELY ANGRY folk in leadership roles in this

I'm all for raising the bar here, in every way that we possibly can,
and I don't think selling indulgences is a good way to go about
doing that.  But I do think we ought to get our own house in order
before we start professing to preach to others.  And I do think that
everybody individually should should quietly reflect on their own
behaviour before they pile on with condemnation of others.

 Myself included.

(and if they could do that while fixing some RC bugs in the lead
 up to the freeze, that would just be doubly awesome :)

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