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Re: Code of Conduct complaint about Linus's comments at DC14 :: Respect

On Thu, 4 Sep 2014 20:55:06 Theodore Ts'o wrote:
> Think about how Australians might feel if the US were to try to insist
> that US laws applied in Austrlia, and tried to enforce US laws outside
> of its jurisdiction.

Many of us are quite unhappy about that situation.  But the US is bigger and 
the politicians in both major parties are Quislings so there's not much we can 

Some Australians aren't particularly bothered by the situation though.  
There's a lot of cowards who believe the "terrorism" rubbish and support 
anything that's alleged to stop it.

US law is enforced world-wide.  It's just a matter of whether they can get 
people or coerce others to do so with the amount of effort they are prepared to 
expend.  Most Australians who disagree with US laws don't have the option of 
hiding in an embassy.

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