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Re: Call for moderation and mediation: debian-live vs. debian-live-ng

On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 12:02:02AM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:

> That culminated a while back in Daniel officially leaving the project, and
> then coming back a while later as a non-voting Debian Maintainer in a move
> that I still don't think was a good idea for either Daniel or the project.

Correction: as DAMs we decided to change Daniel's status, from DD to DM.

The announcement can be found in the debian-private archives:

  Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2013 19:36:40 +0100
  Message-ID: <87r4jpoi13.fsf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

This paragraph from that message seems to me like be a reasonsable
summary of the rationale of the change:

  A Debian Maintainer is a person who can manage, unsupervised, a
  limited set of packages, but for each of those packages a Debian
  Developer is a guarantor for. Trust between you and someone you work
  closely with is much easier to earn, and helps to regain the trust
  between you and the wider project.


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